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Logger32 windows 10 


Logger32 windows 10.


Logger32 windows 10 any settings in the radio changed from default? Even my settings may logger32 windows 10 be optimum, but they work. I'm having an odd problem with v4. Logger32 can command the rig to change frequency, but polling for frequency is never answered. Other logging logger32 windows 10 communicate with the radio just fine. I tried different baud rates and polling rates, and both generic Icom and IC rig types.

Port settings agree with other logging programs. I've restarted Logger32 and powered up the /25445.txt in different sequences.

I uninstalled and reinstalled Logger32 нажмите чтобы увидеть больше, though I did not wipe the files left behind in the program directories. None of these steps fix the problem. Looking for suggestions, logger32 windows 10. IC with Firmware 1. After considerable frustration myself, I logger32 windows 10 that the IC family is sensitive to the number of stop bits.

You might try changing that one setting to see if it resolves your control problem. Everything is working fine now. Thanks, Mike! Anyway if I change Stop Bits to 2, Logger32 is not more able to poll the radio.

Stop Bits to 1 is OK and works well. This cannot be undone. The Group moderators are responsible for maintaining their community and can address these issues. Report to Groups. This includes: harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing. Note: Your email address is logger32 windows 10 with the abuse report. Hi Logger32 windows 10. I читать have an IC and it works perfectly.

Also, according to Icom, the firmware 1. Set in radio: Unlink from remote and echo ON Mike. Wes Plouff. Hi Karl. Are you sure you wish to delete this message from the message archives of hamlogger groups. Cancel Yes. Reason Report to Moderators I think this message isn't appropriate for our group. Cancel Report. The new topic will begin with this message. Subject of the new topic:. Cancel Split Topic.

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.Logger32 windows 10


Note : The installed version of Logger32 is 3. Logger32 is handy tool for any radio amateur who needs to create a log database with the details about their activity. It comes in handy when you want to store the details of other users who share the same passion. The main goal of the application is to create a list of contacts in order to easily reach other radio amateurs from around the world.

The QSO list includes multiple details related with the user identity and location. For instance, you can store the name, address and prefix for all the callsigns from your database. Additional details include the radio band, frequency or distance. You can also add other details included in the ADIF specification. Although you can add the entries manually, the import feature enables you to easily build your database by importing log information from ADIF files.

The entries can be completed with the IOTA numbers in order to update the existing contacts. The satellite viewer enables you to determine the geographical position and coverage area for each item from the list. When you run the program for the first time, the sheer number of windows might overwhelm you, especially if you are not a seasoned radio user.

However, this layout enables you to choose which information you want to view and arrange the windows in order to create an efficient working environment. Although the included documentation can shed some light on how to access the program features, you need to know the basics about amateur radio communication in order to use its full potential. To sum up, Logger32 includes all the basic features required to create a logbook for radio communication.

Moreover, it allows you to control the connected radio and antenna orientation which makes a good choice for most radio operators.

An easy to use logbook solution that allows radio amateurs from all around the world to store the callsigns and location of other radio users Logger Get in touch with other radio amateurs The main goal of the application is to create a list of contacts in order to easily reach other radio amateurs from around the world.

Select and arrange info of interest The program allows you to view satellite information, DX spots and IOTA spots in a separate window. A few last words To sum up, Logger32 includes all the basic features required to create a logbook for radio communication. New in Logger32 4. Added URL for the public version of the v3.

Load comments. Logger32 4. All rights reserved.
